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7 Common Causes of Acne and Treatments for Them

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions worldwide. In the US alone, acne affects roughly 50% of people every year. It takes the form of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on various parts of the body- particularly the face, back, and upper chest.

If you are also a victim of acne and not able to figure out what to do about it, this article may help. Here, we’ll have a look at the 7 top causes of acne and recommend solutions to treat/avoid them.

Let’s start!

#1 Dirt, Oil Residue & Dead Skin Cells

Our skin is full of tiny openings known as pores. These pores are responsible for carrying the sebum/oil (produced by the sebaceous gland) to and from the skin surface. It’s not rare for the oil and dirt to get stuck in skin pores and cause acne. Acne can also be caused by dead cell accumulation in your pores if you don’t wash your face properly. These dead cells combine with bacteria on your face, thus leading to acne.

Solution: An effective way to keep the pores from clogging is by properly washing your face twice a day — once in the morning and once before sleeping at night. Moreover, make it a habit to change your pillowcase every week so that dirt from the pillow doesn’t accumulate in your skin.

#2 Dry Skin

As if dealing with rigidly dry skin wasn’t enough already, turns out it can cause breakouts. It’s worth mentioning that dry skin alone can’t force pimples to pop out of your skin but it definitely plays a part. Dry skin prompts an increase of dead skin cells, which can block your pores. Moreover, dry skin can stimulate the production of excess sebum/oil can cause acne.

Solution: Try figuring out the actual cause behind the dry skin. Consulting a dermatologist can greatly help in this regard. Moreover, adopt a skincare routine comprising a hydrating facial cleansing and moisturizing your skin regularly.

#3 Pore-Clogging Makeup

Yes, makeup can also lead to acne. However, the good news is that not all makeup products are harmful to the skin. This raises the question: “Which makeup products should one refrain from using?”

Normally, you should stay away from items whose formula constitutes alcohols, fragrances, parabens, and silicones. Try using products that may not lead to acne, they often come with labels such as “non-acnegenic,” or “won’t cause breakouts.”

Pro Tip: In addition to cherry-picking your makeup items, make sure that you apply those on your skin in a gentle manner. Also, make sure to remove your makeup before going to sleep.

#4 Sugary Foods

Studies reveal that eating a doughnut or any other sugary item can boost the risk of acne by roughly 54%. The reason why such foods cause acne isn’t fully known yet. However, the general belief is that these items can impact various hormones e.g. insulin, which are linked with worsening acne.

Solution: If you are ready to cut back on sugar, you’re already off to a good start. But whenever your sweet tooth starts tingling, go for fresh fruits or artificial sweeteners.

#5 Lack of Fruits & Vegetables

Isn’t it quite surprising how most of our medical conditions stem from our (poor) food choices? The same is true for acne. Excess of fatty and sugary foods can increase the chances of your sin getting acne.

Solution: Change your eating habits. Eat a nourishing diet packed with proteins, fresh fruits, and vegetables because it not only improves skin but overall mental and physical health as well.

#6 Stress

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that stress impacts the body in more ways than one could imagine. While it isn’t directly responsible for causing acne, it sure does prevent the scars from healing faster.

Solution: Relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can play effective stress busters. Managing your goals and expectations can also do wonders when it comes to reducing stress.

#7 Heredity

Do you ever just sit back and wonder that the reason you get pimples has something to do with genetics? Well, you may not be wrong. Studies show that parents can pass on genetic factors that may increase the chances of their kid(s) developing acne at an early age.

Solution: It’s recommended that you try to find the genetic vulnerabilities that are causing the acne in the first place. As for effective treatment, try balancing sebum & hormones. Moreover, exfoliate your skin to get rid of dead skin cells.

To Wrap It Up

The fact that acne affects nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide proves that it’s a common skin condition caused by several factors. And identifying these causes can certainly pave the way for successful treatment. The above-mentioned are some of the common causes of acne but it’s always better to consult a dermatologist to find the root cause and effectively treat it.

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